Green Drinks Newark 1st Mondays
Mon 02 Nov 2015 | 7-9p
Burger Walla
47 Halsey Street, Newark NJ
Street parking
Green Drinks Hackensack 2nd Mondays
Mon 09 Nov 2015 | 7-9p
Villa de Colombia
12 W. Mercer Street, Hackensack NJ
Parking in restaurant lot or private lot at corner of Mercer & State
Green Drinks Clifton-Paterson (day of the month is not always the same)
Thurs 21 Nov 2015 | 7-9p
Sultan Restaurant
429 Crooks Avenue (on the Paterson border), Clifton NJ
Safe street parking
Green Drinks November Discussion Themes
- If your business or non-profit relies on the internet, help to Save the Internet. You don’t want laws that allow traffic to your website to be shut down because bigger companies can pay more for access and lock your traffic out.
- Fight CISA and other unreasonable privacy intrusions at Fight for the Future.
- Our family’s setting up a community garden in Paterson and we can use all kinds of help. How can you help?
- Interested in living in an eco-village? What would you want it to offer?
- The battle for public education is still going on in Newark. Are you ready to help with this fight?
- How can you help bring joy to thousands of Greater Newark and eastern Passaic County residents for Thanksgiving? PACTS’ Newark Thanksgiving wish list items include monetary donations and volunteer opportunities. And you can call Kimi at 201-477-8711 to donate to Paterson and Passaic County residents.
- For Christmas, a Paterson faith based consortium needs vans and drivers to help pick up toys, coats and food. Additional space to store items for the community gifting event held on December 23 or 24 is also needed.
Other green/sustainable activities & events:
Paterson Area for Bernie Sanders
Mon 23 Nov 2015 | 6:30-7p
Sultan Restaurant
429 Crooks Avenue (on the Paterson border), Clifton NJ