Category Archives: Environment

NASA Climatologist at BCC on Sept. 22

RIDGEWOOD North Jersey Public Policy Network opens its 2011/2012 Distinguished Speakers Series with Dr. James Hansen, head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City and an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University Department of Earth Science.

This free public program will take place at Bergen Community College on September 22nd at 7:30pm in TECH Center Room 128, 400 Paramus Road, Paramus NJ (Park in Lot B). Please pre-register by emailing

Respected and known for his research in the field of Climatology, Dr. Hansen has been raising awareness of climate change for decades. Dr. Hansen is the recipient of the US National Academy of Science Award, the Carl Gustaf-Rossby Research Medal, the Sophie Prize and the Blue Planet Prize among other prizes and awards. Dr. Hansen, a scientist, physicist, and astronomer is also the author of “Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity.” Time magazine named Dr. Hansen one of the 100 most influential people on earth.

Dr. Hansen’s talk will cover the history of climate change research results and how the data impacts our future and that of our planet. With policy makers and voters divided in their views on environmental policy, and because there are diverse opinions on the veracity of climate change, this program offers the opportunity for questions to be asked and discussed.

Best known for his testimony on climate change to congressional committees that helped raise broad awareness of the global warming issue, Dr. Hansen has continued to draw attention to the danger of passing climate tipping points, producing irreversible climate impacts that would yield a different planet from the one on which civilization developed.

While identifying the issues, Dr. Hansen has outlined steps that are needed to stabilize climate, with a cleaner atmosphere and ocean and he emphasizes the need for the public to influence government and industry policies.

Roger Opstbaum, Professor of Physics at Bergen Community College, will serve as moderator.

According to Rhoda Schermer, Chairperson of NJPPN, “We are so lucky to be able to bring Dr. Hansen to Bergen County. He is considered the “guru” on climate change and policies. He affords us the unique opportunity to hear facts and ideas. A lot of excitement has been generated. There are many people who are confused about whether climate change is actually occurring and if humans contribute to climate change. This opportunity to question one of the world’s leading authorities should not be passed up. We hope the public takes advantage of this special program.”

North Jersey Public Policy Network (NJPPN) is a non-partisan, non-profit network with over 600 members primarily residing in Bergen County. NJPPN’s mission is to provide factual, credible information on important public policy issues to its members and the public in the interest of promoting solutions that best serve the public interest. More information on NJPPN can be found at