EJ Green Drinks aka Green Drinks for Environmental (and Climate) Justice are informal groups that meet monthly in the environmental justice communities of Newark, Hackensack and the Paterson area. We meet monthly except when national or Jewish holidays fall on our regular meeting dates.
Gatherings where everyone is welcome. Admission is always free, there are no membership dues. Our meetings are informal and we don't sell anything. Our loosey-goosey format allows collaborations to form ... strategic actions are sometimes planned and plenty of valuable information about sustainability, climate change, food growing and the environment is exchanged.
The EJ in EJ Green Drinks refers to Environmental Justice – also known as ECJ – Environmental and Climate Justice. GREEN means the environment and DRINKS refers to the British practice of folk getting together socially, because the Green Drinks tradition began in England.
We don't serve green colored drinks or health drinks and many Green Drinkers don't consume alcohol at all. The purpose of Green Drinks gatherings is to help nurture local sustainable communities and lifestyles, and all are welcome.
We look forward to visits from green professionals, Environmental Commission members, Green Team members, students, clergypeople – and you.
Cost: Just pay for the food or drinks you order.
Green Drinks son informales eventos sociales que reunen gente para charlar sobre la sostentabilidad: cómo vivir saludablemente en harmonía con la naturaleza y nuestra Madre Tierra. Green Drinks facilita el intercambio de ideas y estrategias "verdes" y las colaboraciones entre miembros de la comunidad. Conversamos sobre alternativos fuentes de energía, producción agrícola, la comida orgánica, hacer compras locales ... empleos verdes y la justicia ambiental y climática. Asistentes encontrarán una calurosa bienvenida y la oportunidad para conectarse con profesionales y expertos en varias diciplinas "verdes".
Costo: La entrada es sin pagar. Sólo se pagan la comida y bebidas que usted pide.
Green Drinks são bate-papos dedicados ao tema da sustentabilidade e combater às mudanças climáticas. Todos são muito bem vindos.
Custo: Nenhuma taxa de admissão. Paga só à comida e bebidas que você solicite.
Ivan Wei, Ari Lopez Wei, Kimi Wei, Sally Gellert, Joseph Dunsay, Cinda Wallace
201-477-8711 info@greenwei.com Facebook