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  • Essex/Passaic Green Party to Hold May 12th Forum on Nuclear Energy;

    Speakers Include Leaders in Fights Over Oyster Creek and Indian Point
    Do we really need nuclear energy? Are we in danger in New Jersey? These are two of the questions that will be addressed at a forum being held on Thursday, May 12th, at the Montclair Public Library, 50 S. Fullerton Avenue.

    The program will go from 7-9 pm, and the public is encouraged to attend.

    There will be three speakers:

    Marilyn Elie works with the Westchester Citizen Awareness Network. She has been active for 17 years in community efforts to shut down the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Westchester County, N.Y.

    Sid Goodman has been a professional engineer for 50 years and is a speaker for the Union of Concerned Scientists. He is the author of “Asleep at the Geiger Counter.”

    Richard Webster is an environmental enforcement attorney at Public Justice and is former legal director of the Eastern Environmental Law Center in Newark. He is currently representing citizens groups challenging the decision of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to relicense the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant near Toms River, NJ

    “In the wake of the on-going Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, we in the United States need to look closely at what energy sources we should support, “ said Ted Glick, Essex/Passaic Greens coordinator. “This forum will allow residents of New Jersey to learn about the nuclear issue from people who have, cumulatively, over half a century of experience dealing with it.”

    Following presentations by the speakers, there will be time for questions from the audience. Refreshments will be available.

    The event is co-sponsored by N.J. Peace Action.

    For more information, email indpol@igc.org or call 973-338-5398.

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