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Long Island mom’s TEDx Talk: overcoming eco-grief & becoming an ecofeminist

Heidi Hutner's TedX Talk
Source: Heidi Hutner’s TedX Talk
ClimateMama recommends friend Heidi Hutner’s TED Talk: “Eco-Grief and Ecofeminism”. In this stirring 15+ minute talk, Heidi chronicles her journey from cancer patient at age 35 through “eco-grief” to a determination to act … Previously she wanted to hide from looking at how ecologically messed up our world had become.

When Heidi learns from a family friend of her own mother’s ecofeminism, she becomes fascinated with taking action. Her eco-grief lifts, Heidi’s life is transformed and her message is: the same can happen to you.

…the blinders flew open & eco-grief set in … feel that grief because then you will be called to act and you will join us and we will fix this thing.